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Descriptors for plurilingual and intercultural competences FREPA. Hermann Funk - Friedrich Schiller University, Germany. Herausgegeben von Steffi Morkötter, Katja Schmitt und Anna Schröder-Sura Gunter Narr Verlag, Congress website. More information Reference document, begrüßung online dating. Video presenting the publication on the occasion of the ECML conference in December video available in French.

A didactic tool for integrated plurilingual and intercultural education FREPA - Dates to be confirmed ECML training and consultancy for member States Reims, France Training workshop view details Experts: Local organiser: Frédéric Begrüßung online dating and Eric Hornewer, begrüßung online dating, France Working language: French Participants: about inspection and management staff members, staff members in charge of teaching, begrüßung online dating, training and pedagogical advisers.

Website: FREPA. A didactic tool for integrated plurilingual and intercultural education FREPA ECML training and consultancy for member States Yerevan, Armenia Training workshop view details Experts: Brigitte Gerber, Switzerland, Petra Daryai-Hansen, Denmark Local organiser: Zaruhi Soghomonyan, begrüßung online dating, French University in Armenia Working language: anglais Participants: environ 15 15 professeurs de langues étrangères, formateurs d'enseignants et concepteurs de programmes scolaires Website CARAP.

SHOW PREVIOUS EVENTS. at www. A didactic tool for integrated plurilingual and intercultural education FREPA - Dates to be confirmed ECML training and consultancy for member States Training workshop Venue: Yerevan, Armenia view details Experts: Local organiser: Zaruhi Soghomonyan, French University of Armenia, Yerevan Working language: English Participants: Professors of foreign languages, teacher trainers, begrüßung online dating, curricula developers Websites:.

ecml view details Experts: Ildikó Lörincz, Hungary; Jean-François de Pietro, Switzerland Local organiser: Elisabeth Carpa, Head of the Department of Human Ressources and Teacher Training, Andorran School and Teacher Training Directorate, Ministry of Education Participants: Language teachers Catalan, French, Spanish, English at primary and secondary level Working languages: French and English. ecml Conference plurilingual education Workshop plurilingual education ECML video welcome message for Denmark view details Experts: Michel Candelier, France; Anna Maria Curci, Italy Local organisers: Petra Daryai-Hansen, Denmark Participants: DELA-NOBA project team, international and Danish scholars, teacher trainers and student teachers Working languages: English, begrüßung online dating, German, French.

ecml Programme view details Experts: Ildikó Lörincz, Hungary; Jean-François de Pietro, Switzerland Local Organiser : Dan Ion Nasta, Romania Participants: teachers of French in Romania Working begrüßung online dating French, English.

at view details Coordinator: Michel Candelier, begrüßung online dating, France Participants: project team. Ces derniers avaient surtout utilisé les dimensions interculturelles du CARAP. Information from the local organiser : The school I work for has a special bilingual profile with the languages German and Spanish.

The bilingual branch includes also the teaching of subjects such as geography, politics and history in both languages. Since the German school system introduces English as a foreign language in primary school, begrüßung online dating, the pupils choosing the bilingual branch, start with Spanish in grade 5 and continue respectively English.

This means they have less English lessons compared to pupils from non-Spanish classes. Therefore, the need to identify synergy effects between Spanish and English and thus being able to reap benefits of both languages had emerged already ten years ago. The objective of the cooperation with Anna Schröder-Sura and Michelle Candelier included several aspects such as developing further our existing materials and respectively building up awareness in language learners by the use of incomprehension enhancing foreign language literacy, begrüßung online dating.

Thanks to the theoretical and practice based guideline by our tutors we were able to rethink and adapt our materials effectively, begrüßung online dating. This, we intend to put to use coming school year followed by an evaluation in order to develop further material in a forthcoming meeting.

It was the second time we were lucky to work with Anna and Michelle. The gained theoretical and methodological knowledge conveyed by them is very important to us and we are looking forward to further collaborations. Since our view is more coined by practical experience begrüßung online dating at school, begrüßung online dating, the results of our working together achieves extremely satisfactory set of results.

The outcome from earlier projects addresses the needs of our students to handle both intercultural and complex linguistic situations appropriately. Les matériaux didactiques et les outils accessibles en ligne leur permettront de concevoir des interventions didactiques favorables au développement continu de la compétence plurilingue et pluriculturelle.

La publication des Actes est prévue pour la mi-novembre, ainsi que de nouvelles formations orientées vers la didactique du plurilinguisme. Adresându-se profesorilor de diverse limbi străine din învățământul secundar și universitar, viitorilor profesori de limbi și didacticienilor de la diversele departamente ale Facultății de Litere, Colocviul a avut un impact indiscutabil.

Chestionarele de evaluare administrate la finalul parcursului de formare propus conferința plenară Les approches plurielles et le CARAP - pour une vision d'ensemble de l'éducation et de la formation plurilingues et interculturelles, prezentată de Dl. Michel Candelier, și atelierele pe care le-a animat în calitate de reprezentant al CELV o dovedesc din plin. Participanții au apreciat în mod deosebit dimensiunea practică a activităților și faptul că instrumentele sunt concepute spre beneficiul profesorilor de toate limbile, într-o perspectivă holistică a învățării.

Materialele didactice și instrumentele accesibile on line vor permite conceperea unor intervenții didactice în favoarea dezvoltării continue a competenței plurilingve și pluriculturale. Evenimentul a fost vizualizat pe siturile Universității « Al. Cuza » din Iași, al proiectului european MIRIADI Mutualizare și Inovație pentru o Rețea a Intercomprehensiunii la Distanțăbegrüßung online dating, al Inspectoratului școlar al Județului Iași, al ARPF, begrüßung online dating principalele intervenții au fost difuzate la distanță, via internet.

Sunt prevăzute publicarea Actelor colocviului, pentru mijlocul lunii noiembrie, precum și organizarea unor noi stagii de formare orientate spre didactica plurilingvismului. Calitatea ofertei Begrüßung online dating a reținut atenția colegilor care doresc să se perfecționeze și să fie consiliați pe terenul profesiei lor. at Information from the ECML experts : The intervention suggested in this training day for French teachers from all over Romania, was to showcase guidelines and procedures developed begrüßung online dating the auspices of the ECML.

These guidelines give a true European perspective to language teaching didactics and take into account the sometimes problematic and confrontational multilingualism that is integral to our continent.

We presented our training through a conference for the general public to enable us to highlight significant issues, plus two workshops in which we explored these issues in more depth. The training aimed to present the actual tools procedures, activities, resources, begrüßung online dating, online teaching materials, materials for skills development that teachers, educational leaders, material writers could use to not only have begrüßung online dating work with cultural and linguistic diversity, but also to learn how to learn in this diversity.

Information from the local organiser available in French and in Romanian : S'ouvrir aux autres à travers la langue et la culture étrangère signifie apprendre la langue de l'autre.

Le CARAP offre de nombreuses pistes pour franchir la barrière des langues afin de se sentir à l'aise dans une langue étrangère qu'on ne maitrise pas très bien ou pas du tout. A te deschide spre Alţii prin intermediul limbii şi culturii străine, înseamnă să înveţi limba celuilalt.

CARAP oferă numeroase piste pentru depăşirea barierei unei limbi străine în aşa fel încât să poţi să te simţi în largul tău, într-o limbă străină, pe care nu o cunoşti foarte bine sau deloc.

Chaque HEP avait envoyé une délégation de personnes, lesquelles sont désormais chargées de la formation interne de leurs collègues — permettant ainsi une mise en réseau de la diffusion des approches plurielles sur un fondement officiel curiculaire déjá bien avancé en Suisse romande et alémanique et en voie de réalisation au Tessin.

Gallen, Switzerland Working language : French Participants : representatives of the Pedagogical University St. Elle a permis également une définition plus précise d'une démarche globale destinée à tirer profit des descripteurs du CARAP référentiel de compétences des apprenants pour l'élaboration de descripteurs concernant les dimensions plurilingues, pluriculturelles et relatives à la compétence d'apprentissage d'un référentiel de compétences des enseignants.

Les perspectives de coopération se révélant prometteuses, diverses modalités concrètes de travail en commun ont été examinées. Plurilingual and intercultural competences constitute important dimensions of the Swiss Profiles, both on the level of teachers' own individual competences, as well as regarding the teachers' ability to convey them at their target level and in their target language of teaching, begrüßung online dating.

We discussed possibilities of evaluating such competences. In a next step, the FREPA team presented their Web platform, since the development of a similar platform is one of the next aims in the Swiss project. A second part of the meeting was devoted to a novel joint project idea, in view of the ECML's call "Languages at the heart of learning ". Begrüßung online dating Training and Consultancy meeting took place in a pleasant and constructive atmosphere, and was considered eminently fruitful and inspiring by all participants, begrüßung online dating.

La seconde partie du séminaire a été consacrée à des ateliers pratiques au cours desquels les participants ont été amenés à begrüßung online dating des projets de matériaux didactiques. Information from the local organiser : Due to the topical Finnish curriculum process on a local level and a school level experts at the Culture and Educations Services in the city of Oulu, Finland, begrüßung online dating to make a tool, which would at one glance provide teachers with information, in regard to their student´s development within the areas of language education and global education.

The grids are based on the growth levels for the students which move through awareness, begrüßung online dating, realization, appreciation to acceptance.

At the same time we were able to stay true to the national core curriculum and the local strategic development and its view that students should be able to compare, begrüßung online dating, negotiate and question on their educational journey.

Some concrete ideas for lessons were picked by the Finnish team to complement the two grids on the dissemination website. Environ quatre-vingt personnes y ont assisté, souvent en partie. On a pu noter une motivation très forte à tirer partie du CARAP de la part du groupe des concepteurs de curriculums, begrüßung online dating.

To discuss relevant competences which would work for the specific context of begrüßung online dating Armenian educational system. To discuss how FREPA could fit into the Armenian curriculum so that begrüßung online dating can freely use pluralistic approaches. To train teachers for the purpose of working with pluralistic approaches. To help teacher trainers to design training modules based on pluralistic approaches.

Target groups and stakeholders : Policy makers Teacher trainers Curriculum developers School principals Textbook developers School and university teachers of Armenian, Russian, English, French, German Student teachers from the YSLU Chair of Pedagogy and Methodology Total number of participants for the three days: 85 people.

Programme of the workshop Day 1: Conference Target group: representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of RA, teacher trainers, curriculum developers, textbook writers, school principals and chair holders at YSLU.

Aim of the conference: to support education professionals in their effort to review the existing approaches in language policy and identify areas where the FREPA approaches can be successfully implemented. Day 2: Workshops Target group: teacher trainers, curriculum developers and textbook writers Aim of the workshops: To help the participants master the objectives of plurilingual and intercultural education, begrüßung online dating, to select, adapt and use relevant teaching materials.

To help teacher trainers to be able design to design training modules based on pluralistic approaches. Day 3: Workshops Target group: School and university teachers, teacher trainers Aim of the workshops: To conduct practical workshops with teachers to help them be able to work with FREPA tools. Workshops will be begrüßung online dating both by the experts and teacher trainers.

The workshop was closed by the ceremony of granting certificates of appreciation and participation to the ECML experts and participants of the workshop. Le séjour prévu de M. at Information from the ECML experts : The presentations and group activities in this workshop aimed at allowing participants to discover pluralistic approaches, as well as begrüßung online dating FREPA tools and teaching materials.

Participants begrüßung online dating in activities in which they explored FREPA teaching materials and reflected, by examining FREPA descriptors, on the knowledge, attitudes and skills that can be developed through the use of these materials.

Participants were also provided with examples of how parents can be involved in the language education of children. There was a strong focus on the Slovenian context and its specificities as participants, in group work and plenary discussions, reflected on the way these approaches and tools can contribute to achieving the objectives of the current curriculum and to further developing plurilingual and intercultural education in Slovenia, begrüßung online dating.

Participants shared materials, which, although begrüßung online dating been developed locally, were not always known begrüßung online dating all. Links were established between these materials, begrüßung online dating, the curricula and FREPA tools.

The workshop ended with projects for the development of a network for pluralistic approaches, in which teachers, teacher educators, university teachers and parents associations will be represented. Information from the local organiser : The FREPA seminar was a great opportunity where experts interested in pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures from the region and from the country met.

The FREPA frame is useful as it is begrüßung online dating to both, begrüßung online dating, the learning of different languages as well as to the pre-service foreign language teacher training, begrüßung online dating.

Its main advantage is the education towards intercultural and plurilingual competences regardless of a certain language status in the educational system. The FREPA frame itself focused on the plurilingual approach which guided the training, e. at Information from the ECML experts : The training sessions focused on the Maltese curriculum and the specific needs of the Maltese primary school context, begrüßung online dating.

It aimed to provide Maltese primary school teachers, language teachers and teacher educators with an opportunity to discuss current issues in relation to an inclusive view of language teaching and learning in a multilingual context, including the language of schooling, the pupils' home languages and foreign languages.

During the workshop participants engaged in many hands-on, practical activities which gave them the opportunity to discover pluralistic approaches as learners by using teaching materials from the FREPA database and to discuss these issues as a teacher exploring the FREPA reference document: which kind of knowledge, attitudes, and skills may be developed by using these teaching materials.

Through examples of good practices collected by the project FREPA parents, participants were also provided with examples of how parents and local communities can be involved in the language education of children, notably in the development of oracy and literacy. During the workshop participants engaged in many hands-on, practical activities which gave them the opportunity to discover pluralistic approaches as learners by using teaching materials from the FREPA database and to discuss which kind of knowledge, attitudes, and skills may be developed by using these teaching materials.

The workshop was particularly interesting because the training sessions focused on the Maltese curriculum and the specific needs of the Maltese primary school context. We look forward to the possibility of using FREPA in the language teaching practice in our classrooms in the future! Ils ont enfin élaboré des matériaux concrets sous forme de portfolios sur la base des descripteurs du CARAP et en appui sur les exemples empruntés à PluriMobil. Information from the local organiser : We, seven highly motivated teachers of modern languages with a desire to promote intercultural competences in our students have finally found someone to satisfy our needs for task development for intercultural activities which are offered at our school.

The ECML moderators gave a professional and detailed insight into the theoretical background of FREPA and provided professional support in developing specific tasks for preparation and evaluation of intercultural projects of various kinds at our school.

The working process was marked by a constructive, open-minded atmosphere which made it possible for all participants to exchange their ideas for suitable tasks which help the students to develop resources in order to master intercultural encounters successfully.

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